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Every single day Spartans are beginning something incredible.
No matter where life takes you, commit to your journey and embrace it.” Read his STUDENT VIEW: Enjoying the journey, to learn more about his optimistic vision for the future.Īnother thing Lamont said was that “life is a series of beginnings, not just endings.” How very true that is.

As he said, “Your journey is specifically tailored to construct you for your tomorrow. Reading recent graduate Lamont Davis’s commencement address that he gave last month gives me great hope and inspiration. Read his FACULTY VOICE: Preparing educators for the real world, to learn how Spartans are being trained to help “make the world a better place for individuals with ASD.”Īs we start this new year, and this new decade, I’m trying to put the past in the past and look toward a better future. Matt Brodhead, assistant professor of counseling, educational psychology and special education and the research director of the Early Learning Institute, is determined to give kids with ASD the support they need. Approximately 1 in 59 children in the U.S.

For some kids, the right kind of support is crucial to their success. I love that Kamryn has support and encouragement to chase her dreams. Read her STUDENT VIEW: Changing for the better, to learn what happened and how that early motivation to change things up has made her who she is today. Because too many other girls shared her name, she asked her parents if she could change it. Of all the choices, this one seems like it fits him very well.įor Kamryn Romano, a junior in the Honors College studying journalism and global and international studies, her original name didn’t fit her desire to be independent. The calf was named Jaali, pronounced Jolly, by a public vote that raised money for conservation. You absolutely do not want to miss the video of this sweet little boy and his mama, Doppsee. Check out the MSUTODAY FEATURE: Special delivery, to learn more about this incredible birth and how Spartans were involved. A pregnancy that offered MSU veterinarians and medical veterinary students an incredible opportunity to assist in her care. An adorable, rare baby black rhino was delivered after a 15-monthlong pregnancy. On Christmas Eve, a very special baby was born at Lansing’s Potter Park Zoo. That’s the great thing about new generations, new years, new decades and new babies - they restore our hope and visions for tomorrow. His tradition is renewed by the next generation. Somehow, even though he’s gone, his spirit of kindness is living on in his community through these new neighbors and the same recipes he used. There is no way they could have known since they moved in after he fell ill, and they had never met. He would bake more than 20 kinds of cookies and generously made up boxes to share. My sister gasped when she opened them - inside were all the kinds of cookies my dad used to make and distribute to family, neighbors, etc. It was a Christmas card from the dog's family along with a box of homemade cookies. My dad’s neighbor called to let us know a package had been left on the porch (they’ve been so kind to watch over things while we sort everything out). We were able to facilitate getting the sweet dog back where she belonged.įast forward to December. They had recently moved into the neighborhood and their dog sitter was frantic the pup had escaped. Long story short, through a tag, phone number, a drive and Facebook sleuthing, we located the young owners who were on vacation. Last June, my sisters and I were at my dad’s house preparing for his funeral when my brother-in-law discovered a loose dog in the yard.